To get this blog little bit more interesting I came up with idea of making couple themes for my future posts;
10 things I'm tired of hearing and Random facts about me. Kind of like mini series if you wish to think it that way. I will post under these themes when ever I'm bored/feel like it. We shall start with 10 things.
10 things about vegetarianism! *gasp*
#1. WHY?!
Good question. I have no idea! I was angry teenager when I started, I have no "good reason" for this. Now I have been without meat for so long that eating it makes me feel sick, simple as that.
#2. So .... do you eat chicken/fish?
Meat is meat. No.
#3. Cheese, milk, eggs?
Those are not meat. Yes.
#4. Then what do you eat?
You know .... food?
#5. Do you wear leather/fur/silk...etc?
No to fur, yes to anything else.
#6. Are you one of those greenpeace / peta / some-other-organization fanatics?
Nope. I have no interest to that.
#7. I like meat
Okay. I can cook it for you if you wish. I enjoy cooking, and if I have friends or family coming over I'm happy to cook for them. If they enjoy eating meat I cook it for them. Simple as that.
#8. I hate tofu
Then don't eat it. I eat tofu like once in 2 or 3 months, so its not that big part of my diet.
#9. Does your dog eat meat?
Wtf question is that? Of course she does. My freezer is full of raw meat and bones for her, so don't freak out. I'm not a murderer or anything.
#10. Okay, but don't try to make me stop eating meat!
Don't worry. I wont. My family eats meat, most of my exes have eaten meat. I hate it when some vegetarian/vegans blame other people for eating meat, I'm not like that. I seriously don't give a fuck about what you eat. I could eat meat, if it would not be so gross for me and wouldn't make me sick.